Apply for a job

You are about to apply for the job "Acquisiteur Vastgoed". Please login or sign up to proceed.

Sign up

If you don't have an applicant's account at 1Klick yet, you have to sign up and fill your correct info in order to apply for the selected job.
If you have a CV, you can provide it now. We will attempt to parse your CV automatically and prefill all forms for you in order to make the registration process faster. We accept .DOC, .DOCX, .PDF, .ODT and .RTF files. Please also type the text code you see in the image into the field below the image. You don't need to type the code if you decide not to provide your CV at the moment.


If you already have an applicant's account at 1Klick (you already applied for a job before, or you have signed up yourself), please login using your credentials and proceed.

Forgot password?

If you already have an applicant's account, but you have forgot your password, you can request your password to be sent to your registered e-mail address by pressing the button below.
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